Thursday, October 25, 2012

What Happened to America?

I guess The View, The Late Show, and The Daily Show were not enough for Obama. he was a guest on each of these shows within the last few weeks, (as well as many others). Last night, he appeared on the Tonight Show which helped me confirm my thoughts about what this election has turned into. Not only was Obama on the show three times as long as any other guest usually gets, but Jay Leno kept feeding him easy questions in which he could use to make himself and his record look better. There were two questions particularly which stick to my mind. Sadly these two questions were probably the toughest Obama had to answer. The first tough question Leno asked was who does Obama think will win the World Series. After mentioning multiple times how both teams are so great and deserve to be there (since Obama does not want to offend any fans), he said that the Tigers are his favorite to win it all, considering they beat his White Sox (for the pennant?, thats what he said, but they beat the White Sox in the Division). However, seconds later he revealed while he really picked them when he said that he has to go with the Tigers, considering he saved Detroit from bankruptcy. This made it obvious he picked Detroit only because he wanted to say he saved the entire city, (cocky much?/ and he really didnt even save them). I guess the Giants didn't stand much of a chance to be picked considering the Tigers play in a state in which is not certain Obama will win, while California is easily going to go in his favor. Obama is very lucky the Miami Marlins were not playing the Cleveland Indians in the World Series because Obama needs those two states and he would not be able choose one of those teams knowing it could lose some votes in the state in which the other team plays.
A few minutes later Leno asked Obama what is going on with him and Donald Trump. Trump made an announcement earlier that day that if Obama released his college transcripts and applications, as well as his passport records then Trump would give a 5 million dollar check to a charity of Obama's choice, immediately. Leno didn't ask him however if he would take the deal and didn't even mention the offer Trump put out there, probably because that would put Obama on the spot and make him look bad any way he answered it. Anways Obama answered the question comically saying that they grew up together in Kenya and Obama was better at soccer then Trump.
Overall, this interview made me realize that a major part of this presidential race has turned into who can resemble a celebrity better. Obama wins that and it was easy to tell last night. He made sure to say things to get the audience to applaud, brag about stuff that he has not even really done, and act like he is coming out with a new movie. If Obama likes the spotlight so much why doesn't he just become an actor. The president's job is not supposed to be taking spotlight, it is supposed to be making sure the country is on the right track and he ain't doing that real well. So an actor would be he best option for Obama at this point; oh wait I forgot. He already is.

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