Monday, May 21, 2012

What is Success?

It was made public news today that Facebook CEO and Founder Mark Zuckerberg got married to his longtime girlfriend he met while at Harvard. It sounds pretty prestigious for a billionaire to get married and it seems like he now has everything he could ever want. However, I would not consider him a success. He made a big mistake in my mind and it was because of who he married, not because I think she is a bad person of any sort, but because she is not Jewish. This is an example of the terrible problem of intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews in America. Zuckerberg's children will not be Jewish possibly ending the Jewish line his family has been a part of since perhaps the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, which we reenact this upcoming weekend. So no matter how much money he ends up making or how he helps save the world; to me, a Jew that marriages a fellow Jew, and tries to keep the traditions our people have been following for thousands of years is more successful. Success is not measured by wealth, but rather by observance of the Torah and love of G-d.